18 February 2010

Week 7: Clear Firewall

The word "firewall" perfectly suits that purpose and function of what exactly a firewall is and does.

Per lecture segment "7d-System Utilities," a firewall is security system software that
  • blocks unauthorized access
  • hides the PC from view on the Internet
The Web site HowStuffWorks states the obvious "it's a barrier to keep destructive forces away from your property." This concept is probably very easy for most of us to grasp, but there are undoubtedly a percentage of individuals out there that if asked if they knew what a firewall is and what it does would respond with "Oh ya, I know what that is...one of those walls that is fire-proof!" And if we asked them if they knew of a relation to computers, perhaps they might add "probably a wall or somethin' that protects the computer if the house catches on fire." ...ehh where there's smoke there's fire. A firewall does protect a computer from the bad guys (a fire in this case.) Playing off of this ridiculous analogy, HowStuffWorks explains that a firewall's job is "similar to a physical firewall that keeps a fire from spreading from one area to the next."

We can also think of a firewall as our own immune systems.

Let's say that when we are born, we have the option of buying an immune system from the doctor. The doctor tells us that it is not necessary...but he recommends it because it will protect our body from harmful bacteria/viruses that we may encounter in our life and could be damaging to us. We say "sign me up!" and purchase an immune system. As we grow older it is important for us to monitor and support (or "update") our immune system by properly taking care of it. If we neglect our immune system, it could "expire" and become suppressed, allowing nasty viruses to enter our bodies (computers) and cause great damage.
Just as if we don't take care of our computers by monitoring firewalls, "bad guys" could potentially have access to our computer.

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