07 February 2010

Web 2.0 Project Skiing in Montreal

I am going to be honest...I was very intimidated by this project. First off, I had no absolutely no idea what "Web 2.0" was...and furthermore, I had no clue what this project was asking. Was I supposed to upload random pictures to a Web site? What type of story was I supposed to tell? After reviewing projects of other classmates I was able to gain insight into what was expected of me.

The first step was deciding on a story that could be interesting to other viewers, but also a story of mine that told often. And through that brainstorming process, I was led to my trip to Montreal, Canada. My best friend Lindsay had asked me to go skiing with her in Montreal the winter of 2008 falling into the beginning of 2009. Not only was this a general vacation to go skiing and have fun, it was an opportunity to go skiing in a country other than the United States of America. I am an avid skiier...and before my trip to Montreal, I had only skied in multiple cities in Colorado, as well as North Carolina.

I hope that that through my Web 2.0 project viewers are able to experience the excitement and awesomeness that I encountered.

I am not going to lie..I went through several different Web 2.0 tools before I settled on the right one for me. I tried "one true media" and "slide.com" but both sites were not compatible with my computer. Through this project I learned a great deal of patience. I had to weed through several "Web 2.0" tools until I found the right one for me. This project also taught me the importance of organizing and specifying data so that a story/situation/presentation presents itself in an effective and orderly fashion.

For my interaction method is a link to "polldaddy.com" that allows you guys to vote on a question that I proposed. I hope that individuals that take my poll will allow me to gather a sample data of people who view my blog that have skied/snowboarded in a different country versus people who have not done so.

Through this interaction I hope to gain insight from the amount of people who view my Web 2.0 story and if they have ever skied/snowboarded in a different country.

So here is my Web 2.0 project, enjoy :)


And for interaction I would greatly appreciate you to take this poll:



  1. Very interesting montage of your visit to Montreal. Please check out mine and leave a comment. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TKpdkXU6-qo Thanks!

  2. I really liked this one. I've never been skiing, let alone out of the country. Great pics of Montreal too! Maybe I should try skiing myself one day.
