12 April 2010

Week 14: Muddy Thin Clients

After watching the lectures I still couldn't pin point what an actual Thin Client was. I watched the "Thin Client Computing" lecture a handful of times. The lecture was no doubt insightful, but I still couldn't grasp it.

After further research, I finally understood what this Thin Client was really all about. And this understanding stemmed from an analogy that I mustered up. I thought of a Thin Client as a mooch! This guy just wants someone else to do the work for him. He wants to get credit for displaying some work, but doesn't want to do it!

Www.wisegeek.com defines Thin Client that fittingly supports my analogy: "a thin client can refer to either a software program or to an actual computer that relies heavily on another computer to do most of its work. A thin client is part of a network, and the client software or computer acts as an interface, while the network server computer does all the real work."

Cheating in school is also an example. For examples sake: Yolanda (the network server computer) completed her math homework. Max (the Thin Client) doesn't want to do his math homework, so he copies (relies) on Yolanda's homework. He copies it word for word and turns in his homework to his teacher (displays the work on his computer screen.)
Yolanda could earn the title of being the leader of the class (centralized/network server computer) and it turns out that the entire class starts to copy her work and turn it in (display on their computer screens.) Some students are assigned less questions than others, but when some students are required to submit more answers to questions than normal, they don't stress out because Yolanda (the network server computer) allocates whatever information/answer they need in order to submit (produce/display) the information.

Here is a YouTube video titled "Thin Client 101" that is helpful for understanding Thin Clients.

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