21 January 2010

Week 3: Muddy Internet vs. WWW

Before watching the lectures and reading the textbook I have to admit I thought of the Internet and the World Wide Web as being the same exact thing. On Monday I would say "Hey I'm going to go browse the Internet" and on, let's say Thursday, I would be "browsing the World Wide Web." Did I think there was a difference? No way. Was I most recently surprised to find that the Internet and the World Wide Web are completely different? Absolutely.

o be honest, after reading the textbook and watching the lectures...I still didn't get it. It took some time of me delving into some Web sites on the "World Wide Web" in order for me to actually understand the difference between these two fascinating vehicles.

fter doing some "surfing" on the WWW I was enlightened to find such information:

Internet is the core of the Web. It's a collective name of all the devices that consist the global network. It's the interconnection of computer networks around the world...the physical connection of paths between two or more computers.

n the other hand, the
World Wide Web lives "on top of" the Internet. The Web is "like an attractive parasite that requires the Net for survival." Although the WWW might be the most popular method of using the Internet, there are other characteristics. These include:
  • E-mail
  • Chat rooms
  • Instant messaging
  • VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol)

n conclusion, without the Internet there would be no World Wide Web...or e-mail...or chat rooms, etc.

fter browsing many WEB SITES (available because of the INTERNET) I was able to understand the difference between the Internet and the World Wide Web.

You can find more information on the following Web sites:
http://www.differencebetween.net/technology/difference-between-internet-and-world-wide-web/ http://www.dummies.com/how-to/content/the-difference-between-the-world-wide-web-and-the-.html

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