13 January 2010

Week 1: Clear Computer Literacy

To be literate nowadays is nothing out of the ordinary. It's expected. You can read?...high-five?!
As time and technology has progressed, not only is being literate expected, but computer literacy is becoming just as expected from society.

By definition, according to the textbook Discovering Computers 2009, computer literacy "also known is digital literacy, involves having a current knowledge and understanding of computers and their uses."

Beholding the trait of being computer literate is an essential skill in today's society. Computers are a critical component of what makes the world go round. Computer literacy is not just confined to being able to manage a personal computer. You interact with multiple computers on a daily basis ranging from:
  • mobile phones
  • microwave ovens
  • car navigation systems
  • ATMs
  • alarm systems
  • calculators
  • watches
  • airplanes
  • video games
  • traffic lights
Being computer literate is a critical skill that is almost necessary for all jobs. Today's employers are not looking for individuals that are only familiar with Microsoft Word and Excel, they are looking for individuals who are able to understand and perform a variety of functions on a computer that may include updating company listings on the Internet, filling prescriptions, making telephone calls, managing client relationships...as well as simple tasks such as looking up the weather report, finding directions to a specific location or downloading an educational tutorial.

We are interacting with computers when we do not even realize it. As technology advances, the demand for computer literacy increases. Computer literacy is not a trait that makes someone stand out from the rest of the crowd anymore, it is a necessity in order to provide and fuel the technological advancements of today's society.

Enjoy this YouTube link titled "The Case For Computer Literacy" that explains why computer literacy is extremely important for today's day and age. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S-KqDXHB__M

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